United Workers Party Condemns Unlawful Waiver of 2.5% Health and Citizen Security Levy for Rodney Bay City Center Ltd.

The United Workers Party (UWP) expresses grave concern over the Government’s recent actions regarding the Health and Citizen Security Levy. On July 12th, 2024, it was revealed through Instrument No.108 of 2024 that the Cabinet of Ministers granted a zero percent levy to the consultants, contractors, sub-contractors, suppliers, and utility companies involved with Rodney Bay City Center Ltd. This selective exemption is both unlawful and unjust.
The Health and Citizen Security Levy Act mandates a 2.5% tax for two years on a wide array of goods and services, which has negatively impacted our people and economy, exacerbating inflation and hampering the economic recovery from COVID-19. The UWP warned that this levy would harm the most vulnerable in our society by increasing costs on essential goods and services.
The Government’s promise that the levy would bolster health and security sectors has proven false, as it was later discovered that the tax was implemented to meet terms imposed by the Caribbean Development Bank and World Bank to access loans. The proposed exemption for Rodney Bay City Center is unlawful, as the Act does not grant the authority to selectively exempt goods and service providers for an ‘approved developer.’
This decision is not only unlawful but also patently unfair to all citizens and businesses. It sends a distressing message that sacrifices are not to be made by all. The UWP urges the Government to correct this injustice and terminate this oppressive levy for everyone immediately.
From the desk of the PRO
United Workers Party

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