“THE POLICE WILL BE COMING FOR YOU!” – AG Garth Wilkin Sends Clear Warning to TikTokers and Social Media Influencers Sparking Outrage Over Free Speech Crackdown

In a fiery and controversial address during the most recent sitting of Parliament, Attorney General Garth Wilkin sent a bold message to social media influencers and TikTokers, warning them about the consequences of their online behavior. His remarks, which have since sparked heated debate, are seen by some as a direct attack on free speech and a broader effort by the government to silence dissent.

“So, and I hope they put this on TikTok, it’s time now to change that attitude. When you see lies and ridiculousness on your phone, delete it. Do not click forward,” Wilkin declared during his speech. He went on to caution content creators, particularly those seeking fame through controversial or misleading posts, that their actions could result in legal action.

“When you go before a camera and say you’re some sort of TikTok star and doing things for the likes, the police can come for you,” Wilkin warned. “And I say that strongly, Madam Speaker, I am defending my friend and colleague. It upset me.”

Critics and political observers have seized upon Wilkin’s declaration, arguing that it is part of a larger effort by the Drew administration to stifle free speech and clamp down on anti-government sentiment. Many have pointed out that the government’s alleged “unwritten victimization policy” has led to civil servants who express opposition views being forced into resignations, early retirements, involuntary transfers, extended leaves, or outright terminations. This, they argue, is a pattern of silencing dissent.

Additionally, state-owned media, including radio and television, have come under fire for allegedly refusing to air opposition events and anti-government sentiments, despite legal obligations to provide fair coverage. Critics argue that Wilkin’s statement signals an erosion of democracy and freedom of expression in the country.

“What we’re seeing is an alarming trend,” said one political commentator. “This isn’t just about cracking down on TikTok or social media influencers; it’s about creating a climate of fear, where anyone who voices opposition is silenced. This is how democracies die—little by little.”

As the Drew administration continues to face mounting criticism, Wilkin’s warning to influencers has ignited a new wave of concerns about the future of free speech in the country. Whether this move is intended to maintain order online or is part of a broader agenda to suppress opposition voices remains to be seen, but for now, the AG’s words have raised red flags among many.

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