PAM Deputy Leader Azard Gumbs Condemns PM Drew Advisor’s Comments on Poor and Vulnerable Citizens

Basseterre, St. Kitts and Nevis – PAM Deputy Political Leader Azard Gumbs has strongly condemned remarks made by Prime Minister Drew’s Special Advisor, Austin Edinborough, regarding poor and vulnerable citizens. Edinborough’s comments suggested that beneficiaries of the PAP Poverty Alleviation Programme, initiated by the Team Unity Government, exhibited attitudes of entitlement towards social assistance.

In a social media post, Gumbs criticized Edinborough’s statements, expressing his dismay and urging the government to honor its promises. “The Labour Party must stop showing scorn to the vulnerable,” Gumbs asserted.

He continued, “Just yesterday, I heard a clip of an interview on Freedom FM with an Advisor to the Prime Minister speaking about the PAP and the CBI dividends. What struck me was the reference he made about citizens having a mindset of entitlement.”

Gumbs reminded the public of the Labour Party’s election promises: “Lest we forget, it was the same Labour Party that is in Government now that promised the citizens in 2022, if they were to win, that they would increase the PAP benefits. Lest we forget, it was the same Labour Party that said in its manifesto that if elected, their administration would increase the PAP benefit from $500 per household to up to $1500. Lest we forget, it was the same Labour Party through its leader that assured citizens they would benefit from a CBI dividend every six months once elected.”

He criticized the Labour Party for not fulfilling their campaign promises: “It is unfortunate that now in Government, the Labour Party is singing a different song when citizens are merely expecting them to fulfill their election promises. It surely cannot be acceptable for the Labour Party to make promises during elections and when they win, criticize the electorate for keeping their feet to the fire. It surely cannot be acceptable for the Labour Party to make promises and criticize those who rely on them to keep their promises.”

Gumbs concluded by asserting that the citizens of St. Kitts and Nevis deserve better and must continue to hold the government accountable.

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