Nevisian Appointed Vice Consul at the Consulate of St Kitts and Nevis in Dubai, UAE.

Elsa Wilkin-001 Mrs.Elsa Wilkin-Armbrister has been named the Vice Counsel at the Consulate of St Kitts and Nevis in Dubai, UAE.

Elsa is a passionate individual who has represented the federation for over 20 years in the areas of Politics, Tourism, Public Diplomacy, Education and even Pageantry .  Wilkin brings with her a plethora of knowledge in international affairs. Her integration with different cultures has enhanced her negotiation skills and diplomatic expertise.

Wilkin-Armbrister was raised in the village of Brick Kiln in St. James Parish, Nevis.  Her formative education was at the White Hall Primary School, Gingerland Secondary School and the Nevis Sixth Form College.She continued with a diversified tertiary educational profile including a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Alabama A&M University in the USA, a Master of Science in International Marketing from University of Strathclyde in Scotland and is expected to earn a PhD in Marketing with a research focus on Destination Branding from said University.

Wilkin-Armbrister has had careers in both the private and public sectors,  followed most recentlyby nearly a decade long stint in academia during which time she lectured at Strathclyde University and Glasgow Caledonian University in the UK; University of Maastricht, Maastricht School of Management and Avans School of International Studies in the Netherlands.  Wilkin-Armbristeris also a distinguished visiting professor at University of Monaco in Monte Carlo.  She has travelled, lived and worked in the USA, UK, the Netherlands, Peru, Monaco, Romania, Tanzania and Zambia.

Mrs.Wilkin-Armbristernot only lectures but designs and develops courses in International Negotiation Skills, Cross Cultural Management, Entrepreneurship and Public Diplomacy for MBA, PhD and DBA programs.  She speaks beginners Dutch and is currently learning Spanish.

Elsa Wilkin-Armbrister is married and has one daughter.

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