Ministry of Sustainable Development Addresses Climate-Induced Migration at UN Conference in Geneva

October 5-6, 2023

In a pivotal moment for global climate action, the Ministry of Sustainable Development is making its mark on the International Dialogue on Migration, taking place in Geneva, Switzerland from October 5-6. Leading the charge is the passionate PS of Sustainable Development, Sherilita “Shez” Dore-Tyson, whose presence underscores the urgency of addressing climate-induced migration.

The conference, hosted by the United Nations, stands as a beacon of hope and collaboration in the face of escalating climate challenges. With a focused lens on how climate change impacts migration, the discussions aim to shed light on the plight of vulnerable regions, particularly small island states.

Representing the government of St Kitts and Nevis, the Ministry of Sustainable Development has taken center stage to articulate the profound repercussions of climate change on island nations. The presentation outlines the stark reality faced by such states, emphasizing the critical need for concerted global efforts to combat climate change.

This timely gathering brings together policymakers, experts, and advocates to forge a path towards sustainable solutions. The Ministry’s participation underscores its unwavering commitment to safeguarding the future of St Kitts and Nevis, and by extension, all nations vulnerable to the impacts of a changing climate. As the dialogue unfolds, the world watches with hope that these discussions will catalyze meaningful change and drive us towards a more sustainable future.

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