Leadership Vacuum: St. Kitts and Nevis Grapples with Rising Crime Amidst Absent Prime Minister and Minister of National Security

As of Tuesday, September 12th, 2023, St. Kitts and Nevis faces a staggering surge in violent crime, with Prime Minister and Minister of National Security Dr. Hon. Terrance Drew still off the island. This unprecedented wave of violence has left citizens and residents feeling tense and insecure.

Over the past weekend alone, the nation recorded two murders, highlighting the urgent need for decisive leadership. Both PM Drew and Deputy Prime Minister Hanley are currently absent, leaving the country without an acting prime minister or designated Minister of National Security.

Comparatively, neighboring Antigua and Barbuda, with twice the population, have experienced only four murders this year, emphasizing the severity of St. Kitts and Nevis’ predicament.

In a stark contrast, Prime Minister Drew enjoys an exceptional level of security, with an unprecedented 19 police officers assigned to his detail. Cabinet members also benefit from heightened protection, each having at least two security personnel dedicated to their safety. Even unelected officials, such as Ambassadors Natta and Kenny, as well as Ministers Joyelle Clarke and Isalean Phillip, have been allocated security details, complete with dark-tinted vehicles.

This leadership vacuum poses a critical challenge to the nation’s security, prompting widespread concern among the populace and necessitating immediate action to address the escalating crime crisis.fff

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