Former LOOP News Journalist Trinidadian Dionne Baptiste Joins St.Kitts and Nevis State-Owned ZIZ Broadcasting as Executive Producer

Trinidadian Dionne Baptiste Joins St.Kitts’ ZIZ Broadcasting as Executive Producer

ZIZ Broadcasting Corporation has announced the appointment of Trinidadian Dionne Baptiste as its new Executive Producer, effective June 2024. With an impressive background in journalism, digital media, and marketing, Baptiste is expected to bring a fresh and modern perspective to the state-run broadcaster, which has faced heavy scrutiny and criticism for its outdated programming standards.

Baptiste, who holds an MBA in Marketing Management from the University of Bedfordshire, brings a wealth of experience to her new role. Prior to joining ZIZ Broadcasting, she served as Content Manager at Loop TT and as Manager at Loop Caribbean, where she honed her skills in social media communications, digital media, and content creation. Her tenure at Loop Caribbean spanned nearly three years, where she played a pivotal role in shaping the digital media landscape in the region.

In addition to her roles at Loop, Baptiste has also served as CEO of Your Caribbean Guide since December 2023, demonstrating her entrepreneurial spirit and commitment to promoting Caribbean culture. Her extensive experience in news production at Caribbean New Media Group further solidifies her qualifications for the challenging task ahead at ZIZ Broadcasting.

ZIZ Broadcasting has been under fire for maintaining programming standards that many critics describe as archaic. The broadcaster’s need for a significant revamp has been a topic of discussion among industry professionals and viewers alike. Baptiste’s appointment is seen as a strategic move to modernize the broadcaster and align it with contemporary media practices.

In her new role, Baptiste is expected to lead a transformation at ZIZ Broadcasting, introducing innovative content strategies and elevating the broadcaster’s standards to meet the demands of a modern audience. Her vision includes leveraging digital platforms and incorporating cutting-edge production techniques to ensure ZIZ Broadcasting remains relevant and competitive in the fast-evolving media landscape.

Baptiste’s proven track record in content management and digital media is anticipated to play a crucial role in this transformation. Her ability to drive engagement and her deep understanding of Caribbean culture and media will be invaluable assets as she undertakes the task of rejuvenating ZIZ Broadcasting.

The media community and viewers are looking forward to the changes and improvements that Baptiste’s leadership is expected to bring. Her appointment marks a significant step towards the modernization of ZIZ Broadcasting, and her influence is expected to resonate throughout the organization, setting a new standard for state-run broadcasting in St. Kitts and Nevis.

As Dionne Baptiste steps into her new role, there is a palpable sense of optimism and anticipation. The future of ZIZ Broadcasting looks bright with her at the helm, steering the broadcaster towards a new era of innovation and excellence.

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