Taxpayer Millions Wasted: St. Kitts and Nevis High School Project Abandoned by Dr. Terrance Drew’s Administration Sparks Outrage and Accusations

The Labour Administration led by Dr. Terrance Drew in St. Kitts and Nevis has left citizens dismayed by its decision to abandon a shovel-ready state-of-the-art modern high school project. With over $15 million of taxpayer money already invested, according to figures quoted by Drew himself, the project had seen significant progress, including completed detailed plans, designs, and an environmental impact assessment study. A staggering 14 acres of land was excavated, and foundation work , all before Dr. Drew assumed office in August 2022.

The abandonment of the project has sparked outrage among citizens who view this move as a result of political maneuvering rather than a rational decision. Instead of continuing the ongoing project, Dr. Drew’s administration has opted to initiate an entirely new project at the site of the old, long-abandoned Basseterre High School on Victoria Rd in Basseterre. Critics argue that this choice lacks justification and transparency, fueling accusations of incompetence, massive corruption and political exploitation.

Compounding the frustration is the absence of an environmental impact study for the old school site, where the new project is being launched. Moreover, reports have emerged of health issues affecting individuals currently involved in the demolition of the old school building, reminiscent of problems faced by school staff and students in 2014. This earlier crisis had led to the closure and eventual abandonment of the old school grounds in favor of the promising new 14-acre location at Ponds Development , now left in limbo by the Drew administration’s immature and politically petty decision.

The situation has left citizens questioning the motives behind the administration’s choices, and the debate over prudent governance versus political interests continues to escalate.

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