SVG Activist Luzette King Deported Back To The United States
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admin — January 31, 2021
Luzette King travelled to St Vincent on Saturday using a United States passport; she was deported back the same day.
(By Ernesto Cooke)
Social Activist Luzette King was deported back to the United States on Saturday 30th January after failing to adhere to incoming passengers’ protocols, skipping immigration and customs.
King, who arrived on American Airlines flight 630 from Miami, said in a Facebook live that she was heading back to the US state of Baltimore where she started her journey.
The activist said the reason for her deportation is that she did not book a hotel to quarantine as mandated by the government as part of its COVD-19 protocols for persons entering SVG.
King said every time she tries to book a hotel; it would be removed from the list as if they were monitoring her.
However, a reliable source told News784 that King refused to swab at AIA as all passengers are mandated to do on arrival.
The source with knowledge of the situation said that King ignored the nurse request for a swab test, and instead headed straight to immigration.
Upon arrival at immigration, the nurse who followed King told immigration officers that King did not take the swab test. Upon hearing that according to the source, King then ran from immigration to the airport’s parking lot.
According to the source, King was pursed by a customs officer and taken back to the departure lounge where she sat and waited to board the American Airlines flight to Miami.
“Somebody has to stand up to these gangsters, where the hell would I get a thousand dollars from, they had mentioned something about charging me. However, they did not, but I wish they did; instead, they have placed me back on the aircraft, but I shall not be quiet”.
“Not even a doctor present at the airport, only a Nurse displaying all sorts of high and mighty behaviour, not one of them know what they are doing, I have been through this before, they were telling me I should have asked for an exemption, how the hell would I know that if it’s not stated”, King said.
She further stated that the situation has to be challenged, and she will not allow the government to get away with it.
King says she is a national of St Vincent; however, she does not have a passport.
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