SKN 3rd PM Dr. Hon. Timothy Harris and Lindsay Grant: Pioneering Visionary Leadership in Tourism Triumphs

Thanks to the Leadership of 3rd Prime Minister Dr. Hon. Timothy Harris and the “winningest” former Minister of Tourism, Hon. Lindsay Grant, St. Kitts and Nevis experienced a significant triumph in disaster preparedness. Under his watch from 2015 to 2022, the installation of breakwaters at The Frigate Bay Strip proved to be a game-changer during the recent passage of Tropical Storm Phillippe.

The forward-thinking approach of 3rd Prime Minister Dr. Hon. Timothy Harris, coupled with the vision of former Minister of Tourism Lindsay Grant and the entire Team Unity government, has set a remarkable precedent in disaster resilience. Businesses along The Frigate Bay Strip were spared major storm damage, a testament to the efficacy of their strategic investments.

The breakwaters, strategically placed barriers designed to absorb and deflect the force of waves, proved instrumental in protecting the coastline and the businesses nestled along it. This proactive measure showcases the foresight and dedication of the government in safeguarding both the economy and the livelihoods of those dependent on these businesses.

Hon. Lindsay Grant’s tenure as Minister of Tourism marked a period of remarkable progress and foresight. His commitment to the safety and prosperity of St. Kitts and Nevis is evident in this recent triumph. This accomplishment serves as a testament to the power of visionary leadership and strategic decision-making in the face of natural disasters. The legacy of Hon. Lindsay Grant’s impactful tenure in tourism will undoubtedly continue to resonate for years to come.

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