Samal Duggins Leads Youth Drive to Spread Love To Elderly in West Basseterre on Valentines Day


Photo 2BASSETERRE, ST. KITTS, Tuesday 16th February, 2016 —It was one year ago on February 14th that the Hon. Sam Condor and a group of young people journeyed through the West Basseterre area on the “Love Train” that stopped at different communities, sharing tidings of love, peace and joy. This year, on the very same day a group of young persons, led by Samal Duggins, ensured that the tradition continued.Photo 3

On Valentine’s Day 2016 over 20 elderly persons in the different villages of constituency #3, West Basseterre were showered with gift baskets. The most deserving recipients were namely, Rita Joseph, Rosemary Ray, Dorothy Jeffers, Lorene Ottley, Iditha Ottley, Lolita Dias, Rosetta Walters, Verna Williams, James Pemberton, Norris Webbe, Venetta Hazel, Joseph Powell, Cynthia Archibald, Anny Merrit, Nora Stapleton, Evelyn Hamilton, Sonia Morton,  Maize Browne, Ethlyn Maynard, Louise Fararrh, Cathlyn Bridgewater, Miss Sweeny and Clarence Bridgewater.Two of the receipents, James Pemberton and Nora Stapleton will soon be two of our nation’s centenarians, as they will be celebrating their 100th birthdays in August and January respectively.

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“As the future generation we must show respect and appreciation to those who have paved the way for us. All of these generous souls have made meaningful contributions to the communities in which they have lived. It is imperative that we the young people show them gratitude now, so this Valentine’s Day our group in constituency 3 has decided to acknowledge them and show them love,” said Mr. Samal Duggins. He was accompanied by Damien Weekes, Jolander Isaac, Darkie Archibald, Boris of West Farm & Venelma Hanley. These precious moments were captured on camera by Ermelin Sebastian-Duggins.

Duggins continues to uplift his community as just last year he also spearheaded the enhancement of the Early Stimulation classroom at the Cotton Thomas Comprehensive School, where those young students now learn in a safe and comfortable environment. He continues to provide his annual scholarship to the most outstanding male graduating from the Dr. William Connor Primary School. Duggins’ example is one that could be emulated by all – love for mankind.


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