Prime Minister Drew and Mrs. Prince-Drew Meet Taiwan’s Foreign Minister to Discuss Future Collaborations

Prime Minister Drew Meets Taiwan’s Foreign Minister to Discuss Future Collaborations

On Monday, Prime Minister Hon. Dr. Terrance Drew and his wife, Mrs. Diani Jmesha Prince-Drew, met with H.E. Dr. Chia-lung Lin, Minister of Foreign Affairs for the Republic of China (Taiwan), in a significant meeting aimed at strengthening bilateral relations.

The discussions focused on several key areas for future collaboration between St. Kitts and Nevis and Taiwan, including healthcare, renewable energy development, and technology. Prime Minister Drew emphasized the importance of these sectors for the economic and social development of St. Kitts and Nevis.

Mrs. Prince-Drew highlighted potential healthcare initiatives that could benefit from Taiwan’s advanced medical technologies. Dr. Lin expressed Taiwan’s commitment to supporting St. Kitts and Nevis in achieving sustainable growth.

The meeting underscored the mutual dedication to enhancing cooperation and fostering a robust partnership that will benefit both nations in the coming years.

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