In a national address, Premier Dr. Ellis Lorenzo Webster of Anguilla confronted the ongoing crisis surrounding Republic Bank’s unauthorised withdrawals and debits from customers’ accounts. Addressing the distress caused by the bank’s actions on April 29th, 2024, Premier Webster expressed solidarity with the more than 200 affected customers facing undue hardship.

Premier Webster outlined efforts taken to address the issue, including consultations with regulatory bodies like the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank and engagement with Republic Bank’s senior management. He highlighted legal recourse, citing liability clauses and banking practice codes that support customers’ claims.

Criticising Republic Bank’s response, Premier Webster condemned alleged coercive practices, such as forcing customers into loans and imposing account restrictions. He demanded restoration of original balances, verification of transactions, and accountability for any bank errors.

With resolve, Premier Webster pledged to stand with affected customers and urged Republic Bank to act swiftly, restore trust, and alleviate the hardships inflicted on Anguillians.

The Premier’s message underscores the importance of accountability and empathy in financial institutions, reaffirming his commitment to safeguarding citizens’ interests amid adversity.

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