Anguilla Premier Demands Immediate Restoration for Republic Bank Customers

Premier Dr. Ellis Lorenzo Webster of Anguilla has issued a resolute demand for the immediate restoration of Republic Bank customers whose accounts were subjected to unauthorised debits. In his dual capacity as Premier and Minister of Finance, Dr. Webster has formally requested through the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB) and the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union (ECCU) that Republic Bank (EC) takes swift action to rectify the situation.

Dr. Webster’s directive stipulates that affected customers’ accounts must be restored to their original balances until transactions are thoroughly verified and any resulting hardships are satisfactorily alleviated. He further insists that credits be provided for transactions deemed fraudulent, and he calls upon Republic Bank to assume responsibility for any technical or bank errors that may have contributed to the debacle.

The Premier emphasizes the expectation that Republic Bank will actively assist customers in managing this distressing situation with the utmost sensitivity and transparency, thereby restoring confidence in the institution.

As the Anguillian government awaits action on this crucial demand, Dr. Webster extends gratitude to Republic Bank customers and the public for their patience and solidarity during this challenging period.

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