PM Drew’s Administration Raises Concerns with Controversial Bill Suppressing Freedom of Information**

In a surprising move, the Drew-led Labour Administration TODAY November 20th, 2023, tabled and successfully passed a bill in Parliament, signaling a concerning stance on freedom of information. The bill, aimed at curbing leaks of sensitive government information, has sparked criticism for potentially suppressing transparency.

Contrary to expectations, the administration’s decision to push this bill stands in stark contrast to their proclaimed commitment to good governance. Rather than building upon the 2018 Freedom of Information Act, the Drew government appears to be taking steps to restrict access to certain government data.

Critics argue that the unauthorized release of government information, though sometimes challenging, can contribute to increased transparency and accountability. The move to suppress such leaks raises questions about the government’s commitment to fostering an open and accountable system. As concerns mount, citizens and advocacy groups are closely watching how this controversial bill might impact the flow of information and the principles of good governance in the country.

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