PLP Leader Dr.Hon. Timothy harris Congratulates Newly Elected PAM Leader Natasha Shanny Grey-Brookes

In a historic moment for the People’s Action Movement (PAM), Attorney Mrs. Natasha “Shanny” Grey-Brookes was elected as the party’s Political Leader at Sunday’s caucus. Dr. the Hon. Timothy Harris, the National Party Leader of The Peoples Labour Party (PLP), extended warm congratulations to Mrs. Grey-Brookes on her achievement.Joining Dr. Harris in praising Mrs. Grey-Brookes, PLP Chairperson Ms. Wendy Phipps highlighted the significance of her election as the first woman leader of PAM. Ms. Phipps emphasized the positive step forward for women in political leadership within the Federation.In his congratulatory message, Dr. Harris addressed the pressing issues facing the people of St. Kitts and Nevis under the current administration led by Dr. Terrance Drew. He acknowledged the challenges including the high cost of living, rising crime rates, political victimization, and economic struggles. Dr. Harris emphasized the importance of unity among patriots to alleviate the suffering caused by what he described as an incompetent and uncaring government.The PLP Secretariat issued the congratulatory statement on June 3, 2024, marking the occasion as a significant milestone in the political landscape of St. Kitts and Nevis.

See Full Statement Below:


Dr the Hon Timothy Harris, the National Party Leader of The Peoples Labour Party (PLP), has congratulated Attorney Mrs Natasha “Shanny” Grey-Brookes on her election as Political Leader of the People’s Action Movement (PAM) at Sunday’s caucus of the party.

PLP Chairperson, Ms Wendy Phipps, joins Dr Harris in his commendation of Mrs Grey-Brookes. Ms Phipps said,
“The election of Mrs Grey-Brookes as leader of PAM bodes well for the advancement of women in political leadership of our Federation, given that up until the election of Mrs Janice Daniel-Hodge as leader of the Nevis Reformation Party (NRP) several years ago, political leadership had been dominated by men.

In congratulating Mrs Grey-Brookes, the PLP leader spoke to the issues confronting the people of St. Kitts and Nevis. Dr Harris is mindful of the fact that under the current Dr Terrance Drew-led Administration our citizens and residents face very difficult challenges including, but not limited to, a crippling cost of living, surging crime, high levels of political victimization and a struggling economy. Dr Harris noted that this is a time for patriots of our Federation to work together to relieve the suffering of our people being caused by this incompetent and uncaring government.

PLP Secretariat
June 3, 2024

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