Museum to Be Established at Home of First National Hero of St.Kitts-Nevis HE Sir Robert L Bradshaw Announces Prime Minister Harris

St.Pauls, St.Kitts (September 16th 2015):-Independence 32 Celebrations in St. Kitts and Nevis continued early Wednesday morning, with a ceremony to honour the country’s 5 named National Heroes.
The annual event was held under the patronage of recently named Governor General, Sir S.W Tapley Seaton at the Heroes Park in St. Paul’s, the birthplace of first National Hero, HE Sir Robert L Bradshaw .
In addressing the ceremony Prime Minister Dr. Hon. Timothy Harris made a few announcements which he declared will enhance the memory and legacy of the National Heroes , in particular the first National Hero HE Sir Robert L. Bradshaw.
Dr. Harris announced that as part of the efforts of the new Team UNITY Administration to properly recognize and memorialize the country’s First Premier and National Hero a museum will be established at the former home of Sir Bradshaw.
Prime Minister HARRIS stated “Your Government has taken certain decisions to enhance and enrich our heritage. One of these decisions relates to the former home of our First National Hero. It is intended that this historic property be placed under the aegis of the Saint Christopher National Trust. The Government had earlier entered into a lease rental agreement with the Trustees of his daughter’s estate.”
“I am pleased to announce that, His Excellency The Governor General in his capacity as Patron of the National Trust has established a representative Committee of persons to spearhead the establishment of a Museum at Premier Bradshaw’ Residence to Commemorate the life and work of our First National Hero. Sir Robert, our first National Hero, a man steeped in history and knowledge of our West Indian heritage, would smile at this signal honor,” PM Harris continued
Prime Minister Harris stated that the museum will constitute yet another site for both locals and visitors alike to visit and learn of our history.
“We, in this Unity Government, are committed to ensuring that our children learn of our local history which will serve to enhance their sense of patriotism, rootedness and direction,” said Prime Minister Harris
The event was graced by the presence of a plethora of dignitaries including the resident Ambassador for Taiwan as well as the Cuban, Venezuelan and Brazilian Ambassadors. HE Sam Condor UN Ambassador and HE Dr. Thelma Phillip Browne Ambassador to the US was also present. Leader of the Opposition Hon. Dr Denzil Douglas and MP Konris Maynard were also present
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