Bad Douglas Public Service Law Should Be Repealed . Judge Ventose decision, a victory for all civil servants.
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Basseterre, St. Kitts, March 25, 2019 – The Judge Eddie Ventose decision declaring the unconstitutionality of a Public Service Law introduced by the Dr. Denzil Douglas administration in 2014 is a victory for ALL civil servants.
A constitutional motion was filed by Leon Nelson-Natta seeking a declaration that Statutory Rules and Orders Public Service order 9 rules 36 and 38 were unconstitutional, null and void. A declaration was also sought from the court that Natta-Nelson was entitled to take active part in a political organisation and more particularly to run for elected office.
The 2014 Public Service Order 9 #36 and 38 as introduced and passed by the Dr. Denzil Douglas administration have now being declared unconstitutional, null and void and of no effect.
The decision has now generated a call by citizens for the Douglas law to be repealed as according to the judgment, it is unconstitutional as it goes against the rights and privileges of citizens.
It is widely felt that the law was introduced in 2014 to intimidate and silence widespread anti-government sentiments being expressed by citizens including many outspoken civil servants. The act was passed during the infamous 26 month priod in which a Motion of No Confidence brought by the then opposition was held in abbeyance by the ruling Dr. Denzil Douglas administration.
“This decision provides the perfect opportunity to repeal that law which, like the Dual Citizenship law in 2009 was simply designed to target and stifle Opposition to the then ruling government,” said a formr Senior Civil Servant.
The government has yet to officially comment on the decision by Judge Ventose.
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