Education Crisis in St. Kitts and Nevis: Schools Unprepared for start of New School Year, Allegations of Impropriety Surface

As schools are to imminently resume , the Terrance Drew administration is again demonstrating their incompetence and lack of capacity to govern. This time quite a number of schools are not physically ready and critical services and support are absent. For example at our largest secondary school Charles E Mills Secondary, teachers returned for staff meeting in a staff room lacking in Airconditioning for at least two terms. Several other schools had no renovations. At Joshua Obadiah Williams Primary School in Molyneux which should have been renovated and expanded last year under emergency procurement given the fire, students and teachers are still expected to return to temporary housing in the Explorer’s Club headquarters in Phillips Village. The situation there is untenable and both teachers and students are complaining. The space and facilities are inadequate and not appropriate to teaching and learning. Yet a deaf leadership at Ministry of Education does nothing. Meanwhile Geoffrey Hanley , Minister of Education finds himself entangled in scandals surrounding the renovation work at old mold infested and condemned Basseterre high school and the according of contracts for demolition works without these being signed off by the Procurement Board. Allegations have also surfaced regarding the lack of transparency in the procurement of significant supplies for early childhood and child month events without proper procurement policies. It appears political operatives are dishing out contracts to family members and friends at whim contrary to the laws of the land. Minister of Education Hanley needs to urgently bring a halt to any unsavory practices in ministry of education etc including STEP and address the issue’s honestly and transparently. Good governance and accountability require no less. We await Minister Hanley’s response

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