Dr. Hon. Timothy Harris, Addresses Nation on Crime Crisis: Calls for Review of Police High Command, Recall of Ministry of National Security from PM Drew, and Reintroduction of PEACE Programme and Explorers Club

Dr. Hon. Timothy Harris, the third Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition People’s Labour Party (PLP), addressed the nation on the current crime crisis, calling for the reintroduction of the PEACE Programme and Explorers Club, a review of the Police High Command, and the recall of the Ministry of National Security from Prime Minister Drew to allocate it to another Minister.In his address, Dr. Harris stated:”If we are to move forward, we must implement tried, tested, and other innovative programmes that will lead to a better and safer St. Kitts and Nevis. PLP, therefore, proposes the immediate resumption of the Explorers programme and the PEACE programme.Given the abject failure in the Police High Command and the incompetence in the team of advisors, there is a need for a review of the Police High Command and the status of lame duck advisors should be determined. It is well known that morale is very low in the police force. There is an urgent need for a human resource audit of our Police Force and a review of the salaries and conditions of work of our Police Officers – our first responders in matters of law and order.The Minister of National Security is a failure and should offer that portfolio to another Minister with a better understanding of our dire situation and a willingness to take hard decisions to bring efficacious results.We are at the crossroads. I appeal to all our citizens and residents to be vigilant regarding their safety and security. This failed, vindictive, and divided administration is unfit and unable to deliver a stronger and safer future. The PLP has what it takes to make our country safe again. We remain committed to work with patriotic citizens and well-meaning residents to deliver the peace and security that people are demanding and which they deserve.Let us pray and do what we can for the peace and safety of St. Kitts and Nevis. May God have mercy on our Nation.”Dr. Harris’s speech highlights the urgent need for strategic interventions to address the escalating crime situation and restore peace and security in the nation.

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