CXC Results Withheld: Betrayal of Kittitian Students as Government Fails to Pay CXC Fees

In a shocking blow to Kittitian students, the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) has withheld exam results due to non-payment by St. Kitts. Parents scrimped and saved to ensure their children’s futures, but in a stunning act of betrayal, the funds never reached CXC. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education Geoffrey Hanley has remained silent on the issue, along with Solomon Claxton, CXC’s registrar for St. Kitts. Their silence speaks volumes—volumes of guilt and shame.The children who worked hard for these qualifications are now left in limbo, forced to apply to CFBC College without their exam results. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Education sits idle, doing nothing to resolve the issue.This is not just a failure of the education system; it’s a systemic rot that goes all the way to the top. Prime Minister Dr. Terrance Drew has allowed this crisis to unfold under his watch, with no action to protect the futures of the nation’s children.The Drew administration has failed. The Ministry of Education has failed. But it is the children, the innocent victims, who are paying the ultimate price for this catastrophic failure.

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