Commissioner Sutton Allegedly Fires Back at National Security Advisors, Exposes Police Force Struggles

August 19, 2024 – Commissioner of Police Sutton has allegedly lashed out at six national security advisors who have privately called for his removal. The Commissioner is said to have revealed a series of allegations detailing the difficult conditions under which he is operating, accusing some of the advisors of attempting to control the police organization.Among those reportedly named in the Commissioner’s complaints are Head of Civil Service Ms. Thelma Richards, Special Advisor to the Prime Minister Dr. Edwin Powell, National Security Advisor Dr. Lionel Rawlins, and Special Advisors to the Permanent Secretary Ms. Astona Browne, Col. Patrick Wallace, Maj. Kerri Waterman, and Maj. Leroy Percival.Allegations of Undermining AuthorityThe Commissioner has allegedly accused Ms. Thelma Richards of undermining his authority following an incident involving a junior inspector, Mr. Phillip Eddy. According to the Commissioner, Ms. Richards chastised him during a meeting for refusing to grant vacation leave to the inspector, who, according to Sutton, did not meet the necessary requirements. Despite his stance, Ms. Richards reportedly allowed the inspector to apply for leave directly to the government’s human resources department, directing that the leave be granted without consulting the Commissioner. Sutton claims that, nearly a year later, he is still in the dark about the status of this officer, who seems to have gained favor with the Head of Civil Service.The Commissioner further alleges that Ms. Richards asserted her authority during a conversation, reportedly telling him that as the head of government, she had the power to grant leave, regardless of his objections.Alleged Political Interference and NepotismThe Commissioner has also raised concerns about alleged political interference from Special Advisors Ms. Astona Browne, Col. Patrick Wallace, and Maj. Leroy Percival. Sutton claims that these advisors have pressured him to accept Mr. Percival’s daughter as the police force’s personnel officer—a role that traditionally requires significant government experience. Sutton questioned how a junior clerk could be considered for such a senior position, which involves advising the High Command. He also alleges that these advisors have attempted to push him to recommend an officer for promotion to superintendent despite the officer reportedly failing multiple interviews and a lie detector test.Tensions with Special Advisor Dr. Edwin PowellCommissioner Sutton has expressed frustration over what he describes as excessive interference by Dr. Edwin Powell, Special Advisor to the Prime Minister. Sutton claims that Dr. Powell behaves as if he were the Commissioner of Police, allegedly taking command and control of Police, Army, and Customs officers, a move Sutton deems illegal. Furthermore, Sutton alleges that Dr. Powell has made unilateral decisions, including changing the Department’s uniforms without his input. A leaked memo to the Attorney General reportedly reveals that Dr. Powell has been using the Department’s letterhead for communication with government officials.q him in the presence of the Prime Minister, Attorney General, and other security heads during their weekly security management meetings. The Commissioner alleges that he provided evidence to the Prime Minister showing that Dr. Powell had leaked sensitive security intelligence to known gang leaders, compromising critical operations. However, Sutton claims that no action has been taken against Dr. Powell, with the Prime Minister allegedly indicating that Dr. Powell is the only one offering a viable plan to combat crime.Allegations Against National Security Advisor Dr. Lionel RawlinsThe Commissioner has also reportedly accused National Security Advisor Dr. Lionel Rawlins of publicly criticizing him to the Prime Minister and PS Blanchette, labeling him as incompetent, lazy, and rude. Sutton alleges that despite these criticisms, Dr. Rawlins has not provided any innovative crime-fighting strategies or recommended any effective policy changes to improve the situation.Strained Operations Amid Allegations of Political ObstructionIn his alleged statements, Commissioner Sutton expressed deep frustration to the Prime Minister, claiming that the advisors are obstructing his ability to manage the police force effectively. He points out that political interference has left the police establishment at its lowest point in history, with critical understaffing issues. According to Sutton, the force is operating with only three superintendents (two of whom are acting), ten inspectors (against a target of 25), and 15 sergeants (against a target of 30). He claims that every department and station is severely understaffed, with officers working exhausting 12-hour shifts, struggling to obtain vacation, time off, or any downtime.The Commissioner also criticized the slow pace of financial operations under the new Permanent Secretary, which he alleges has hampered the effectiveness of policing plans. Sutton is reported to have stated that poor advice from the highly paid advisors has left the force “running on fumes,” while criminals operate “with a full tank of gas.”As these allegations continue to unfold, the tension between Commissioner Sutton and the national security advisors remains a critical issue, with significant implications for the leadership and effectiveness of the police force. The public awaits further developments as these serious allegations are investigated.

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