“CBI Collapses, Tourism Hits All-Time Low, Economy in Ruins: Dr. Timothy Harris Slams PM Drew’s Labour Government for Pushing St. Kitts and Nevis to the Brink”

In a fiery and impassioned address to the nation on the occasion of St. Kitts and Nevis’ 41st Anniversary of Independence, former Prime Minister and Leader of the People’s Labour Party (PLP), Dr. Hon. Timothy Harris, painted a grim picture of the country’s economic collapse under the current administration. He accused the government of plunging the economy into disarray, with the once-prosperous Citizenship by Investment (CBI) programme now relegated to the bottom of the regional ladder.

“Our country is reeling out of control, with its economy in shambles,” Dr. Harris declared in his national address. Once hailed as the “platinum brand” of all CBI programmes in the region, the former Prime Minister said that St. Kitts and Nevis’ CBI programme has been shattered by a string of misguided policies.

Harris blamed the decline on the administration’s “foolish revisionist policies and erratic policy changes,” highlighting how their decisions, including naming a convicted fraudster as the face of the CBI programme, have tainted the country’s international reputation. He further accused the government of weaponising the CBI against political opponents and engaging in reckless involvement in a RICO lawsuit that, according to Harris, is linked to illegal sharing of CBI files with third parties.

The former Prime Minister didn’t stop there, accusing the government of presiding over a tourism sector that has hit rock bottom, with tourist spending at an “all-time low.”

“Tourism lags behind, and our once-booming CBI, the lifeline of our economy, has been sabotaged,” Harris said, placing the blame squarely on the current administration. He warned that the economy is hanging by a thread, urging the nation to reflect on the severe economic consequences of the government’s leadership over the last two years.

As the nation grapples with economic uncertainty, Dr. Harris’ stark warning sets the stage for what could be a turbulent period ahead for St. Kitts and Nevis. His strong words call into question the direction of the country as it navigates one of the most challenging periods in its post-independence history.

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