CARICOM Chair, H.E. Dr. Mutryce Williams, Urges UN Security Council to Prioritize Conflict and Crime Prevention Over Traditional Conflict Resolution Amid Global Surge in Violence

In her third appearance before the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) as Chair of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Caucus, Her Excellency Dr. Mutryce Williams delivered a powerful call for the international community to intensify its support for conflict and crime prevention. Speaking during the UNSC’s High-Level Open Debate on Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace, which focused on global, regional, and national aspects of conflict prevention, Dr. Williams stressed the need for the UN to adopt a more proactive approach to maintaining peace.

Dr. Williams, who serves as St. Kitts and Nevis’ Ambassador, highlighted the escalating global violence, urging the UNSC to prioritize preventative measures over traditional conflict resolution strategies. She argued that addressing the root causes of conflict through sustainable development is the only pathway to achieving long-lasting peace.

Under the UNSC Presidency of Sierra Leone, the debate provided a platform for CARICOM’s position to be voiced, with Dr. Williams underscoring the urgency of a paradigm shift towards peacebuilding that includes robust support for sustainable development initiatives.

Her remarks, delivered at the 22:43 mark, reflect CARICOM’s commitment to advocating for strategies that go beyond mere conflict resolution, aiming instead to build resilience and prevent the outbreak of violence in the first place.

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