Call to equity of services for key populations in the eastern Caribbean

(Castries, June 21, 2024) As the continuing response to HIV and AIDS remains critical in the eastern Caribbean, the Regional Coordinating Mechanism of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS RCM), has launched a call for a Principal Recipient. This implementing agency will have financial and programmatic responsibilities for the 3.5 million dollar Global Fund Grant to the eastern Caribbean.
The OECS RCM, which launched the call, is responsible for coordinating interventions to control and reduce HIV and tuberculosis in the region, working with national HIV/AIDS management bodies. The Global Fund (GF) is a worldwide partnership to defeat HIV, TB, and Malaria and ensure a healthier, safer, more equitable future for all. The grant supports work in six (6) OECS countries.
“It is important for the role of PR to be taken on by a competent agency with a robust track record of work and impact in the Caribbean, particularly in the OECS countries,” says Joan Didier, head of the OECS RCM. “The job will be to build on past successes and inch closer towards ending AIDS and tuberculosis as a public health emergency by 2030.”
Details of the request for proposal for the provision of services as principal recipient for the OECS Multi-country HIV and TB Global Fund Grant 2025 – 2028, can be requested from the OECS RCM secretariat in Saint Lucia. It can also be found online here: CALL FOR PRINCIPAL RECIPIENT.
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About the OECS RCM
The OECS RCM is a Regional Coordinating Mechanism originally mandated by the Global Fund for AIDS Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) and established by the OECS Ministers of Health in 2003 to facilitate the award of a Global Fund Grant to the six (6) independent Territories of the OECS
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