Businessman Calls for Revocation of Phillipe Martinez and MSR Media Group’s CBI Preferred Status

A Prominent businessman has called on Prime Minister Dr. Terrance Drew to revoke Phillipe Martinez and his MSR Media Group’s status as the sole public benefactors under the St. Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by Investment (CBI) Program’s new Public Benefit Option. Allers described Martinez’s recent lawsuit as an attack on the country and its citizens, arguing that such actions disqualify him from continuing as the program’s primary benefactor.Speaking on Freedom FM’s Issues Programme with host EK Flanders, the well known Businessman passionately articulated his concerns. “Good afternoon, EK. I am happy to weigh in on this topic this afternoon, and it is one that is very important to me as a citizen of St. Kitts and Nevis. I believe that a lot of people in the Federation still don’t understand the implications of what this gentleman has done.”Allers explained that Martinez, who came to the Federation to produce films, received substantial financial support from both the Nevis Island Administration and the government of St. Kitts. According to the businessman, Martinez used these funds to purchase the Ocean Terrace Inn (OTI) and subsequently leveraged this investment to further profit from the film industry.”Now, we have a situation where a man came into the Federation to make movies, and we were paying him, well, the Nevis Island administration was paying him, $150,000 U.S. dollars per month for the last two years, and he was able to accumulate some money. He saw a golden opportunity and he went and bought the OTI with our money.”The Businessman criticized Martinez’s strategy to generate additional income through the CBI program by selling shares related to his film ventures and the OTI, despite not being a citizen of St. Kitts and Nevis. He accused Martinez of exploiting the country’s resources and connections for personal gain while jeopardizing the financial stability of local institutions, including the National Bank.”This man has put an attack on the National Bank. And for me, that is first and foremost. He is jeopardizing the ability of businesses like Rams and Valuemart to conduct international transactions, which is a critical issue.”Allers emphasized the negative impact on the broader economy and the risks posed to everyday business operations due to potential disruptions in banking services.”This man is jeopardizing that. When Rams and Valuemart and all of the different businesses want to send off the wire transfers to the suppliers, that will stop. This is what this man is doing to this country. He’s not even a citizen of this country.”He further condemned Martinez’s actions as a direct attack on the people of St. Kitts and Nevis, arguing that his continued involvement in the CBI program is detrimental to the nation’s interests.”I have a problem with that. Now, how could he be still listed on our CBI program trying to sell his movies? I have always had a problem with that. He is selling movies by using our passports. That is what he wants. So a man making the movies and our passports going through that. I have a problem with that.”The Businessman concluded by urging the government to take decisive action and remove Martinez’s project from the CBI Unit (CIU) website, stating that someone who poses a threat to the country should not be allowed to benefit from its programs.”The government must transform and make a firm decision as to what they are going to do with this gentleman. His project must be removed from the CIU website. You can’t want to kill us but still want to make money from us. We don’t want his movie. He’s trying to destroy us. And I’m calling on the government of St. Kitts and Nevis to stand up and stand out and make a firm decision in the best interest of the people of St. Kitts.”The Businessman’s impassioned plea highlights significant concerns regarding the integrity and future of the CBI program, urging the government to protect the nation’s interests against those who might exploit its resources.

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