Beyond the 90 Days: Mixed Reviews for Crime Campaign as Focus Shifts to Long-Term Solutions

The 90-Day Campaign Against Violence and Crime, launched in St. Kitts and Nevis in September 2024, has ignited a national debate over its impact. While some view the initiative as a huge failure, citing two murders and several robberies during the campaign, others hail it as a success for fostering collaboration among stakeholders and addressing the root causes of crime.

Critics and Advocates Weigh In

Detractors argue that the campaign failed to deliver immediate reductions in violent crime, branding it as ineffective against rising criminal activity. However, supporters counter that the campaign achieved its broader goals, including:

  • Strengthening collaboration between public, private, and civil society groups.
  • Facilitating the creation of evidence-based strategies to ensure long-term safety.

“Beyond the 90 Days”: A Whole-of-Society Approach

Minister of State, the Honourable Isalean Phillip, emphasized the government’s continued commitment to tackling crime through its Citizen Security Secretariat. Speaking in the National Assembly during the Budget Debate 2025, she reaffirmed the importance of partnerships, stating:

“In order for us to sustainably address violence and crime, we have to do it in partnership… We have to recreate the communities of care and compassion that were once there before.”

Phillip championed the citizen security model, a holistic approach that integrates justice and punishment with the promotion of individual well-being and community care.

What’s Next?

As the government transitions to its “Beyond the 90 Days” initiative, plans include:

  • Inter-ministerial partnerships involving Social Development, Gender Affairs, Youth Empowerment, and other key ministries.
  • Continued collaboration with community organizations, agencies, and individuals to implement targeted interventions for human and social development.
  • A renewed focus on “people, programming, and partnerships” to build safer and more compassionate communities.

A Divided Nation

The mixed reactions highlight the complexities of addressing crime in St. Kitts and Nevis. While immediate results remain elusive, the government’s push for sustainable, community-centered solutions signals a long-term commitment to tackling the root causes of violence and fostering national security.

#90DayCampaign #CrimeAndViolence #StKittsAndNevis #CitizenSecurity #BeyondThe90Days

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