ADVISOR URGES DUGGINS’ PORTFOLIO RECALL: Special Advisor Duncan Wattley Calls for Minister Duggins to Relinquish Some Portfolios

In a bold statement made during a recent podcast, Special Advisor Duncan Wattley didn’t mince words as he graded Minister Samal Duggins’ performance as an F and called for Prime Minister Drew to relieve him of some of his ministerial duties. Minister Duggins currently oversees the portfolios of agriculture, sports, creative economy, small business, and cannabis development, a workload that Wattley deems too overwhelming for one individual.

Wattley expressed deep concern over the lack of progress and direction in these key areas, particularly highlighting the stagnation in sports development and the challenges facing small businesses. He emphasized the need for dedicated attention and effective management in each portfolio, suggesting that Minister Duggins may be stretched too thin to adequately address the pressing issues at hand.

Furthermore, Wattley urged Prime Minister Drew to consider redistributing responsibilities to ensure that each ministry receives the necessary focus and expertise. He stressed the importance of clarity in mandates and expectations, particularly in the newly established creative economy sector as well as in the Cannabis Industry and Agriculture Sector, where confusion and dissatisfaction have arisen.

While acknowledging Minister Duggins’ efforts, Wattley emphasized the need for practical results and tangible improvements in the areas under his purview. He called for decisive action from the Prime Minister to address the growing concerns and challenges facing St. Kitts and Nevis.

As calls for Minister Duggins to relinquish some of his portfolios gain momentum, it remains to be seen how Prime Minister Drew will respond to these demands for change within his administration. The future of key sectors such as agriculture, sports, Cannabiss Development and small business hangs in the balance, with citizens eagerly awaiting decisive leadership and effective governance.

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