St. Lucia Opposition Sounds Alarm Over PM Pierre’s Summoning to Brussels

The Opposition United Workers Party (UWP) of St. Lucia has issued a statement expressing serious concern regarding Prime Minister Hon. Phillip Pierre’s summons to Brussels, Belgium, to discuss the Citizenship By Investment Programme (CIP) with the European Union (EU).

In their statement, the UWP challenges the narrative presented by the Prime Minister’s Office, alleging that Pierre was summoned due to grave concerns about the operation of the CIP. The Opposition claims that the government’s handling of the program has raised security and transparency issues, jeopardizing St. Lucia’s visa-free access to the United Kingdom, Europe, and potentially the United States and Canada.

Among the UWP’s grievances are changes to the Economic Fund rules, the acceptance of applications from Russian and Iranian nationals amidst international tensions, and the introduction of an infrastructural option within the CIP. The Opposition also raises questions about the program’s revenue shortfall and alleges unlawful discounting of real estate options.

Moreover, the UWP criticizes the government for disregarding regional security protocols and the recommended minimum price of US$200,000 for CIP investments. They warn of the far-reaching implications of the government’s actions on St. Lucia’s reputation and regional security.

The Opposition concludes by urging the government to halt its mismanagement and corrupt practices within the CIP to avoid further harm to St. Lucians’ access to visas and international travel. They call for responsible decision-making to mitigate the potential consequences faced by the nation.

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