St. Kitts and Nevis Represented at OECS Minister Of Health Council Meeting by Permanent Secretary Curtis Martin

St. Kitts and Nevis was represented by Permanent Secretary Curtis Martin at the Tenth Meeting of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) Council of Ministers: Health (COM: Health), held on October 9-10, 2024, in the Commonwealth of Dominica. The meeting, under the theme “Beyond Borders: Breaking Barriers and Empowering Change in Healthcare Access and Delivery,” brought together Ministers of Health from across the region in a hybrid format that allowed both in-person and virtual participation.

The incoming Chairperson for this year’s session was the Honourable Cassanni Laville, Minister for Health, Wellness, and Social Services in Dominica. His remarks echoed the meeting’s core objective: advancing healthcare access and delivery in the Eastern Caribbean through regional collaboration and integration.

The meeting was preceded by the 37th OECS-PPS Policy Board Meeting on October 8, and both events were marked by a joint opening ceremony on October 7. Dominica’s Prime Minister, the Honourable Dr. Roosevelt Skerrit, delivered the feature address, focusing on the region’s healthcare challenges, especially the growing burden of Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases (CNCDs). He urged a collaborative approach to address these issues, particularly calling for a unified regional effort to train healthcare professionals, such as nurses.

Sisera Simon, Head of the Human and Social Division of the OECS, emphasized the need for innovative thinking to overcome the challenges in the healthcare sector, highlighting the growing prevalence of CNCDs, antibiotic resistance, and infectious diseases. The meeting’s primary focus was on promoting equitable access to healthcare through a preventative, primary health care approach, ensuring services are affordable, of high quality, and inclusive.

Key highlights from the COM: Health meeting included:

  • Advancing cancer control across the Eastern Caribbean.
  • Prioritizing mental health, sexual and reproductive health, and youth-focused healthcare access.
  • Strengthening access to healthcare for men and enhancing governance and stewardship in the health sector.
  • Investing in pharmaceutical systems and promoting regional access to medicines.
  • Knowledge sharing on centres of excellence in healthcare, including Saint Kitts and Nevis’ success in offering cosmetic and reconstructive surgery.

Curtis Martin’s participation underscores St. Kitts and Nevis’ commitment to addressing healthcare challenges and contributing to regional solutions that ensure improved healthcare outcomes for all citizens.

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