St. Kitts and Nevis Appoints New Charge D’Affaires ad interim at UN

The St. Kitts and Nevis Permanent Mission has officially notified the United Nations through a formal correspondence. Ms. Ghisliane Williams, Minister Counsel, will step in as the Charge D’ Affaires ad interim, following the recall of Mrs. Nery Chiverton-Dockery.The government has further communicated through a communique that Mrs. Nerys Dockery no longer holds the authority to represent the interests of St. Kitts and Nevis at the United Nations until further notice.This unexpected shift in diplomatic representation raises questions about the circumstances surrounding Mrs. Dockery’s recall and the implications for the nation’s foreign affairs strategy. The precise details of the recall and subsequent appointment remain undisclosed. As the situation develops, the international community eagerly anticipates official statements from both St. Kitts and Nevis’ government and the United Nations. This shift in diplomatic representation is poised to have notable repercussions in the global arena, and observers are keenly monitoring the unfolding events. Stay tuned for updates on this significant development.

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