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39 St.Kitts-Nevis Nationals were among the over 17,000 Caribbean nationals who became new naturalized U.S. citizens within the last 4 months .
So far for 2018, at least for the first quarter, over 17,000 Caribbean immigrants qualified to take the oath of allegiance and become U.S. citizens.
The majority of new citizens for the first quarter of the fiscal year of 2018 are from Cuba, with a whopping 6,804, up dramatically from 4,191 for the same period in the last fiscal year.
Nationals from the Dominican Republic accounted for the second highest number of newly minted U.S. citizens from the Caribbean with 4,804, down from 5,282 last year, while Jamaicans came in at third for the wider Caribbean and first for the English-speaking Caribbean with 3,572 naturalized in the first quarter of 2018 alone. Last year, at the same time, only 2,636 Jamaicans had been naturalized.
Haitians who became naturalized so far this fiscal year totaled 2,947 in the first quarter, up slightly from 2,387 for the same period last year; while there were 840 Trinidad & Tobagonians, down from 841 last year.
Seven hundred and thirty-five, (735), Guyanese also took the oath of US citizenship so far this year, down from 894 last year, while 182 raising their hand to pledge allegiance to the US were from Belize, a slight increase from the 149 last year.
Meanwhile,116 from the Bahamas also took the oath in the first quarter of this year as well as 112 each from Barbados and St. Lucia, respectively.
The Commonwealth of Dominica accounted for 96 while 69 were from Antigua and Barbuda. The data showed there were 66 from Grenada; 62 Saint Vincent & The Grenadines and 39 from St. Kitts & Nevis who all became U.S. citizens in the first quarter of 2018.
Suriname rounded out the Caribbean listing with the lowest number of naturalized Caribbean immigrants so far this year, at 28.
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