UNCONFIRMED: National Security in Turmoil: Six Advisors Push for Immediate Ouster of COP Sutton


Unconfirmed reports suggest that six top advisors have allegedly called on Prime Minister Dr. Terrance Drew to remove Commissioner of Police (COP) Sutton from his post. The advisors—Astona Browne, Col. Patrick Wallace, Maj. Leroy Percival, Dr. Powell, Dr. Rawlins, and Maj. Waterman from Barbados—are said to be deeply dissatisfied with Sutton’s leadership and handling of the escalating crime situation.

During high-level meetings, the advisors reportedly discussed a series of “R” actions—Regrets, Reset, Reshape, Retool, and REMOVE—when assessing Sutton’s performance as head of the police force. Their concerns allegedly center on what they describe as Sutton’s “lackluster attitude” toward the job, coupled with high levels of inexperience and a perceived inability to communicate effectively or implement strategic planning in the fight against crime.

Insiders indicate that in a recent meeting at Government Headquarters, the Commissioner failed to present any substantial plans to address the crime wave, instead, he was quick to shift blame to other departments, though reportedly without evidence to support his claims. This apparent lack of accountability and strategic direction has allegedly left the advisors frustrated.

According to sources, the advisors are no longer engaging with COP Sutton and have refused to publicly support his strategies, which primarily focus on increased patrols and vehicular checkpoints—measures they believe are insufficient to tackle the country’s serious crime problems.

As speculation about Sutton’s imminent departure grows, it has been reported that at least two advisors, Dr. Rawlins and Maj. Waterman, under the direction of PM Drew, have already begun interviewing potential candidates for the positions of Commissioner of Police and Commander of the Defence Force.

The big question now is: Who will take charge of these crucial security roles?

– **Deputy Commissioner Cromwell Henry**:

A seasoned expert in police operations with a long history of service.

– **Assistant Commissioner Andre Mitchell**:

A senior crime investigator known for his success in solving complex cases.

– **Assistant Commissioner Dr. Mc Carta Browne**:

An intelligence expert with a solid track record in countering threats.

For the Defence Force:

– **Maj. Sutton**:

A career military officer recognized for his strong leadership and tactical acumen.

– **Maj. Wilkin**:

A Coast Guard veteran with experience in military management and leadership.

– **Col. Patrick Wallace**:

Will the former commander return as an interim leader, similar to the appointment of Dorsett at the Prison?

As these developments unfold, the nation waits anxiously to see who will be entrusted with the responsibility of steering the police and defense forces through these challenging times.

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