Tronnicia Joquel Flanders Graduates with Bachelors in International Business & Trade from Ming Chuan University

Tronnicia Joquel Flanders of Saddlers’ Village, Saint John Capisterre, Saint Kitts and Nevis, has achieved a significant milestone by graduating with a Bachelor’s degree in International Business & Trade from Ming Chuan University in Taiwan. Tronnicia was awarded a prestigious Taiwanese scholarship in 2019, alongside 13 other nationals, showcasing her academic excellence and ambition.

A proud daughter of the well-known and outspoken community activist and farmer, Troy Flanders, Tronnicia’s success is a testament to her dedication and hard work. Her achievements have brought pride to the village of Saddlers, highlighting the potential and promise of its young residents.

Tronnicia’s journey underscores the importance of international education and community support in nurturing future leaders. Her story is an inspiration to many, illustrating the power of perseverance and the impact of global opportunities on local communities.

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