ST.KITTS: New Board Installed at the OECS’ largest Indigenous Bank

Wallis Wilkin, Theodore Hobson QC, Dr Cardell Rawlins, Howard McEchranne, Alexis Nisbett, Elretha Simpson-Browne, Lionel Benjamin , Talibah Byron and Analdo Bailey
A major step in the transfer of authority to the democratically elected Team UNITY government of the people of St.Kitts-Nevis took place on Tuesday 21st April 2015 when the government as majority shareholder, in the sub region’s largest Indigenous Bank, the St. Kitts -Nevis- Anguilla National Bank, successfully requisitioned a meeting of all shareholders to nominate 9 directors to serve on the Board of Directors.
The nomination process was assisted by the Eastern Caribbean Stock Exchange (ECSE) through General Manager Trevor Blake who acted as Supervisor of the Election Process. The results of the nomination and subsequent elections resulted in the following persons being elected:
- Howard Mchechrane(Certified Accountant and Former Director of TDC)
- Analdo Bailey (General Manager Eastern Caribbean Home Mortgage/Banker/Pastor)
- Alex Nisbet(General Manager –Biomedical Research Institute)
- Theodore Hobson QC (Lawyer )
- Dr. Cardell Rawlins (Medical Doctor/Surgeon)
- Wallis Wilkin (Business Executive/Marketing Manager –Horsfords Group of Companies )
- Lionel “Benjax” Benjamin (Businessman)
- Talibah Byron (Attorney/Youth Ac tivist)
- Elreta Simpson (Customer Service Manager-NHC)
The newly elected St.Kitts-Nevis National Bank board represents the template of representation that would likely be used for all boards that come under the umbrella of the government. A template which includes a diverse representation of individuals from The Clergy, The Chamber, Youth, Women, Ordinary Folk, Business Executives, and someone experienced in the specific area of respective institution or company. Example a BANKER for National Bank Board
An accountant or individuals experienced in accounting will also be included in all boards to ensure accountability.
In the first meeting of the board the leadership of the board was decided. Mr. Howard Mchechrane was elected as the Chairman. Mr. Analdo Bailey and Mr. Alexis Nesbit were elected as 1st and 2nd Vice Chairpersons respectively. Mr. Stephen Hector was returned as Company Secretary.
Mr. Mccherane is a very experienced certified accountant and former Director of the TDC Group of Companies. 1st Vice Chairman Analdo Bailey is the General Manager of the Eastern Caribbean Home Mortgage Bank and is a very experienced banker. He is also a member of the Local Clergy
2nd Vice Chairman Alexis Nisbet is a youth and is currently the General Manager of the St.Kitts Biomedical Research Institute.
The first order of business of the new board was the installation of Directors for the National Bank Trust as the sole shareholder of that Company. That Board now comprises Vernon Harris, Economist as Chairperson. Cyndie Demming, Human Resources Professional, as Vice Chairperson and Nevisian Dr. Patricia Bartlette as Secretary. Other members of that board include Attorney and Youth Ogrenvile Browne, Shirley Julius and Crace Lewis.
The National Bank Trust is the founder of the SIDF. The founder has removed the remaining members of the SIDF who failed to resign gracefully as per government’s request. A new Secretary has been appointed and within a week the full Board of Councilors will be appointed.

National Trust Board-L to R Vernon Harris, Cyndie Demming, O’Grenville Browne, Dr. Patricia Bartlette, Crace Lewis, Shirley Julius
New Boards of Directors have been installed at the National Housing Corporation, the Urban Development Corporation and SCASPA, details will be revealed in a Press statement in the near future.
The government has determined that it will need the loyal and committed support of several citizens to pursue its mandate. These citizens shall serve at the pleasure of the administration and form part of the “political establishment” with an impermanent tenure. The names and rolls of these persons will also be revealed shortly.
The transition from the former 20 year old Dr. Denzil Douglas regime has been deliberately methodical as the new Team UNITY government seeks to ensure an improved or heightened level of governance.
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