St.Kitts-Nevis’ CBI Programme Get’s Fresh Start With New Management, Renewed Trust and Confidence And Enhanced Services

After years of riding the wave of being the Number 1 CBI Programme in the Caribbean and arguably the World the St.Kitts-Nevis Citizenship By Investment Program hit some seriously choppy waves in the last few years due to what most have described as poor management by the former Dr. Denzil Douglas led Administration. Well publicized incidences like the Iranian at the Canadian border issue which helped to precipitate the removal of visa waivers to Canada by St.Kitts-Nevis Passport holders along with the Advisory by the US Government through its FINCEN indicating or highlighting the use of SKN Passport by “Illicit Actors” dealt the program two huge blows which most felt were unrecoverable. It was clear that the only thing that can or would change the fortunes of the programme was a change of leadership and that came with the election of a new St.Kitts-Nevis UNITY Government led by Dr. Timothy Harris.
In an address to Service providers at a conference at the St.Kitts Marriott Prime Minister Dr. Timothy Harris declared that the Citizenship by Investment Unit which manages the program has had a Fresh Start and the program is now well on its way to regaining its top position regionally and internationally as a result of the structural, organizational and developmental changes that have taken place at the unit.
“Today marks an important day in the reform and restructuring of the Citizenship by Investment Unit in St Kitts and Nevis. Today we give a fresh start to:
- An enhanced CIU
- Better customer services
- Advanced management information systems this is available to assist service providers 24 hours per day, 7 days a week. This case management system is the only one of its kind in use in the region,” PM Harris declared.
PM Harris said “The CIU had outgrown itself and organizational reform and restructuring were imperative. The major revenue earner of the country at the end of 2014 was under staffed, lacking in training and more lacking in a culture of excellent customer service. We have rectified this. The CIU is better organized and better managed.”
Dr. Harris listed some of the new personnel at the unit and indicated that there has been a significant and positively heightened change in the new management at the CIU which now boasts a plethora of young, vibrant intellectuals who will guide the Unit and the program back to its Premier position in the International Citizenship market. He also outlined some of the actions his government had to take and pursue to restore confidence in the program
Prime Minister Harris stated “Thankfully we acted to: 1) Recalibrate relations with USA, UK, EU and 2) implement twenty two (22) reforms
The results are that 1) We are restoring trust and confidence. In the last eight months not one public embarrassment on the Programme. Difficulties are addressed through quiet diplomacy; 2) New management at our CIU in Eirate McCall, Denise Davis, Rapha Bailey, Lisa Farrell, Orin Roberts, Tamara O’Flaherty and others, and there is an obvious difference in quality of interaction and engagement between CIU and its clients;”
With the changes, upgrades outlined by Prime Minister Harris the St.Kitts-Nevis CBI Programme there is little wonder the program has rapidly regained the trust and confidence of the International Community.
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