Sugar Mas Queen Contestants to be Revealed This Saturday

Sugar Mas Announcements
The Media Launch of the 6 beautiful contestants in the St. Kitts Nevis National Carnival Queen Pageant will take place tomorrow at 10am. It will be carried live on Sugar City FM 90.3
Registration forms are now available for judging the various Shows. Forms can be filled at the Carnival Office located on Victoria Road. They are to be collected, completed and returned by October 31st.
The National Carnival Committee is requesting that all songs for the 2015 Soca Monarch are to be submittd to the Carnival Office on Victoria Road no later than the 31st of October.
The National Carnival Committee is pleased to announce that the extended deadline for registration for the Junior Calypso Competition (Primary and Secondary Schools), is now on the 31st of October
Please be reminded of the very important meeting for DJ’s and Band Members, which takes place tomorrow at 2pm at Sweet Lime Restaurant located at Port Zante.
The biggest party in the streets, Adult Parade, is reminding you of the deadline for registration, which is October 31st. You may register online or at the Carnival Office on Victoria Road. #JOININ
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