St.Kitts-Nevis Anguilla National Bank Directors Gain International Accreditation

Accredited Directors

Basseterre, St.Kitts (March 27th 2016):-Several Directors of the St.Kitts-Nevis Anguilla National Bank Board have recently received one of the highest level of Directors education and joined a select International group of Directors . SKNANB Directors Analdo Bailey, Vice Chairman, Talibah V Byron, Elreter Simpson-Browne, Lionel Benjamin and Wallis Wilkin were all awarded the designation of Accredited Directors Acc. Dir . Chief Retail Banking Officer Donald Thompson and Company Secretary Stephen Hector were also awarded the designation.

The Directors were awarded the Accredited Director designation (Acc.Dir.) and have received membership in the Chartered Secretaries Canada’s Affiliate Group.The Directors’ Education and Accreditation Programme (DEAP) is an advanced director training course, aimed at preparing directors for the important role that they play in the governance of corporations. The DEAP was developed by the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators/Chartered Secretaries Canada (ICSA/CSC), in partnership with the law firm of Borden Ladner Gervais, and with contributions from AON Canada.

St.Kitts-Nevis Anguilla National Bank Group of Companies Head Office

St.Kitts-Nevis Anguilla National Bank Group of Companies Head Office

The designation Acc.Dir (Accredited Director) was achieved through completing the sharply focused Directors’ Education and Accreditation Program (DEAP), where they were exposed to critical content in the following modules: Corporate Governance, Financial Disclosure and Reporting, Corporate strategy and Enterprise Risk Management. The Intense Programme was facilitated by the ECSE and included lectures by Canadian and regional academics and practitioners such as Dr Valda Henry.
The Directors commented that the programme was informative, interactive and enlightening, and all expressed pleasure with the calibre of facilitators who they thought were very knowledgeable, capable and versed in the areas they presented.
The Directors also expressed a desire to pursue more of such programmes so that good governance, and effective directorship can be achieved and developed.
The St.Kitts-Nevis Anguilla National Bank is the largest Indigenous Bank in the OECS. The Bank had another exceptional year in 2015 as it increases it’s total assets to a whopping $3.64 billion.
Prime Minister Dr. Timothy Harris commended the Directors and the Bank Management and Staff for it’s exceptional performance in 2015 into the first quarter of 2016 since the new Board of Directors have been installed.

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