Speaker of the National Assembly Faces Backlash as SKNLP Advisor and Activist Ira McMahon Joins Chorus Calling Out Abominable Behaviour During Parliament Budget Debate

The excessive number of petty interruptions to which our Nation’s Third Prime Minister Dr. the Hon. Timothy Harris was subjected to during his forceful and erudite presentation at the Budget Debate has repulsed many across St. Kitts and Nevis, including well known activists of the Labour Party who have publicly called out the irresponsible and unprecedented behaviour of the Labour MPs and the Speaker’s bias. In a frank commentary, Ira McMahon writing on popular blogger Everton OBI Powell’s page opined that “The Speaker allowed the debate to spin out of control, the interruptions were excessive, diversionary, and distracting, and we hope this is not going to become the norm for future sessions. This “Tim did it too” lame, flimsy excuse is just as irritating as the childish “Douglas did it too” that was prevalent in the Team Unity era. Leave karma to karma and let’s try to do better!” In another post, McMahon noted that the unfair behavior and disrespectful conduct against our Nation’s Third Prime Minister would make him a martyr. McMahon spoke for the country when he wrote “What happened there was not good democracy. At least the Speaker allowed for the individual naming and shaming of “No” votes. We certainly don’t want the Parliament descending into a bastion of spite and useless political theatre… that is sending the wrong message to the country which badly needs reconciliation and unifying.” In another post, Nandi Gumbs wrote “Well Dr. Harris ended up looking like a martyr and a hero which I’m sure was not what was intended. LoL. Timo for de win” Denise Sutton Lloyd wrote “The opposition voices need to be heard if we truly emphatically believe in democracy. The opposite of that said important word to our little nation is tyranny…dictatorship… words that give me the shivers. Let the opposition speak if you have nothing to hide.” St. Kitts and Nevis most popular and respected blogger Everton Powell has given useful advice to Speaker Lanien Blanchette. He advised his followers “Tell the Speaker to read the Robert Rules Book please. It’s one thing to be biased because she was appointed by the government and she’s Labour but it’s another thing to blatantly let one side violate the rules constantly resulting in chaos. None of the over 25 points of orders should have been allowed as they were disagreements on debate points not a rule violation which is what a point of order is for.” We hope that Madame Speaker Lanien Blanchette will take wise counsel.

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