SCASPA Appoints Former National State Scholar as New Public Relations Officer

Nordia Demming

Basseterre, St.Kitts (July 21 2015):-Young Public Relations professional Ms Nordia Demming has been appointed as the new Public Relations Officer at the St.Christopher Air and Sea Ports Authority.

Ms Demming is a recent graduate of the University of the Virgin Islands school of business. She  Magna Cum Laude with my Bachelors Degree in Business with minor in Marketing in the school’s most recent graduation exercise in May 2015.

Ms Demming was raised in a single parent home by her mother Jenifer Demming also known as Singing Jenifer,  in a one bedroom apartment in Newtown. Ms Demming credits her mother along wih her Uncle Nigel “Wooding”  Demming,  himself a well known former Basketball legend,  who  invested time love and support into molding the successful young woman she is today. .

Demming  was awarded the national State Scholar Title in 2011.

While at the University of the Virgin Islands Demming interned at the Reichhold Center for the Arts as the Marketing Manager’s Assistant. In 2014 she was  inducted into the 51st academic hall of Fame for the University of the virgin islands

nordia and mom

Nordia with her Proud Mother Calypsonian Singing Jenifer

“As the New Public Relations I know my position will be an integral part of getting information about the port to the public. With that I plan to build, maintain and manage the reputation of SCASPA in the most refreshing and innovative way possible. I am dedicated to maintaining goodwill and understanding between SCASPA and the public going forward,” said Demming about her appointment

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