Sandy Point Falcons Wins $1000 Cash in 2nd Annual CM Knockout Tournament

Basketball City, St.Kitts (March 20th):- The Official Start of the 2016 SKNABA Basketball League is just two weeks away and the excitement for the upcoming season has already reached almost fever pitch with the first Cup for the season presented.


Crowd at 2015 Finals

A Large Crowd turned out to Basketball City for The 2nd Annual Charles Morton Knockout Cup on Friday evening to support one the top Senior Premier and “A” Division teams competing for the first Championship of the season and a cool $1000 Cash.
The Sandy Point Falcons team overcame 3 teams including the SANDY Point Pride in the Finals to walk away with the spoils in the 2nd Annual Tournament.
The Sandy Point Falcons outshone the other teams to walk away victorious in front of an exuberant crowd.


The Falcons was led by Tournament MVP Travis Rogers who averaged 14 pts per game throughout the One-Night Tournament.
Charles Morton was on hand to present the spoils to the two finalists. Sandy Point Falcons pocketed $1000 for its winning performance, while another Sandy Point team the SP Pride nabbed the second place prize of $500.

CM Tournament MVP Tavares Rogers

CM Tournament MVP Tavares Rogers

Mr Morton also served as guest referee for the tournament and used the opportunity to express his appreciation to the SKNABA for the recognition and expressed his desire and willingness to continue to provide support and guidance to the SKNABA and all it’s teams and players whenever and wherever is appropriate.
Buoyed by the success of the CM Knockout tournament the SKNABA has announced that similar tournaments will be held during the course of the season with the date of the Arthur Jeffers Knockout Tournament to be announced shortly.

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