Saint Lucia Updated Travel Protocols, Flights extend service, and Saint Lucia Carnival 2022 Unveiled

The Government of Saint Lucia wishes to inform the airlines and the travelling public of the following:  

The requirement for the upload of documents (PCR tests and vaccine card) has been suspended from April 5th 2022 until further notice.

IMPORTANT: Agents (airline/ship) must ensure that vaccinated travellers have their vaccine proof, and unvaccinated have a valid Standard PCR test result before granting permission to board.  Persons who refuse to provide proof of the requirements should not be boarded. 

*Fully vaccinated means that two weeks have passed since the second dose of a twodose vaccine or a single-dose vaccine.  Vaccine proof must be presented on entry to Saint Lucia.  

Travellers are further advised to visit for full details of the entry requirements, including information about acceptable tests. 

The Authorities look forward to welcoming all travellers, thanking them for their patience and understanding.   

For more information about the island of Saint Lucia, call locally at 758-458-7101 or 1-

800-210-0921, 1-800-456-3984, or 1-888 4STLUCIA, or visit    


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