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Barbados Beauty Rihanna and West Indies Circket Star Chris Gayle’s fiance St.Kitts Beauty Natasha Berridge taking in the game between Sri Lank and the West Indies

Trinidad Guardian:- R&B di­va Ri­han­na’s ap­pear­ance at the West In­dies’ lat­est ICC World Cup match against Sri Lan­ka has brought some spark to the re­gion – but that was one of on­ly two bright spots for the team on Mon­day.

With the West In­dies strug­gling to over­haul Sri Lan­ka’s 338 for six to­tal at the River­side Ground at Chester-le-Street, Durham, the cam­eras be­gan to fo­cus on the Bar­ba­di­an-born Unit­ed States-based singer, whose re­al name is Robin Ri­han­na Fen­ty, in the stands watch­ing her Caribbean com­pa­tri­ots’ per­for­mance.

Af­ter the cam­eras picked her up in the stands, the ground’s au­dio tech­ni­cians be­gan blast­ing some of her hits dur­ing the breaks in be­tween overs.

Af­ter the re­gion­al team lost the match by 24 runs, their sixth straight loss in the tour­na­ment, Ri­han­na al­so went in­to the dress­ing room and shared some mo­ments with cen­tu­ry-mak­er Nicholas Pooran and his team­mates and even took some self­ies with some of them.

Ac­cord­ing to re­cent re­ports, Ri­han­na, who al­so dab­bles in act­ing, busi­ness and fash­ion de­sign­ing, has been liv­ing in Eng­land for over a year, hav­ing bought a US$7 mil­lion man­sion in Lon­don.

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