Prime Minister Pierre Commits More Than $26 Million to Enhance the Saint Lucia Fire Service

In a significant move towards bolstering emergency response capabilities, the Government of Saint Lucia, under the leadership of Prime Minister Hon. Philip J. Pierre, has allocated over $26 million to enhance the Saint Lucia Fire Service (SLFS).

On October 3, 2023, the Lower House of Parliament passed a motion presented by Prime Minister Pierre, securing the financing from the Special Fund Reserve of the Caribbean Development Bank, designated from the European Investment Bank Climate Action Line of Credit II.

These substantial funds will be allocated towards procuring state-of-the-art equipment and technology for the Saint Lucia Fire Service. The investment aims to modernize and upgrade the service’s firefighting and emergency response capabilities, ensuring a more efficient and effective safeguarding of lives and properties in Saint Lucia.

Prime Minister Pierre emphasized that this allocation reflects the government’s unwavering commitment to the safety and well-being of its citizens. The investment in the SLFS not only enhances emergency response services but also serves as a testament to the government’s dedication to providing world-class public safety infrastructure.

This move has been met with widespread support, as citizens and stakeholders laud the government’s proactive approach in fortifying the nation’s emergency response mechanisms. The allocation is expected to have a transformative impact on the SLFS and reinforce Saint Lucia’s preparedness for any unforeseen emergencies in the future.

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