Prime Minister Browne Commends President Xi’s Leadership and Expresses Gratitude for China’s Development Assistance

In a meeting held in the Great Hall of the People, Prime Minister Gaston Browne of Antigua and Barbuda expressed admiration for President Xi Jinping’s global leadership and extended his gratitude for China’s crucial role in aiding developing nations like Antigua and Barbuda. Prime Minister Browne praised President Xi’s inspiring initiatives, including the Belt and Road project, the GDI Institute, and the Civilization and Security initiatives.

Acknowledging President Xi’s philosophy of fostering shared global prosperity and peace, Prime Minister Browne commended China’s unparalleled leadership. He expressed hope that other developed nations would follow the example set by President Xi and the People’s Republic of China to create a more harmonious planet with global equity in development.

During the exchanges, Foreign Minister E. P. Chet Greene and Health Minister the Hon. Molwyn Joseph engaged in signing multiple Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) with their Chinese counterparts. These agreements aim to enhance cooperation in health, education, and infrastructural development in Antigua and Barbuda, further strengthening the ties between the two nations. The collaborative efforts underscore the commitment to mutual development and cooperation for the benefit of both countries.

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