PM Harris Inspired by Confidence Expressed in UNITY Govt by St.Kitts Nevis Nationals in Canada
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St.Kitts-Nevis Prime Minister Dr Hon Timothy Harris says he has been inspired to do more for the people of the federation as a result of the the overwhelmingly positive feedback of Nationals in Ontario. Scores of Toronto based nationals of the federation hosted a Townhall Meeting featuring Prime MINISTER Harris and Foreign Affairs Minister Dr. Hon. Mark Brantley . The audience expressed confidence in the PM Harris led Team UNITY government.
The large gathering comprised mainly young persons most of whom expressed their great desire to return to the federation and make a meaningful contribution to their home country. The cross section of the Toronto based nationals showed much interest in the state of the economy and applauded the government for it’s stable management of the country.
A huge concern for the Nationals was the state of crime. They used the forum to condemn the criminal activities and expressed support for the govt of Team UNITY and their tough stance on crime . They also sent a clarion call to citizens at home to cooperate with the Security Forces in particular the Police. PM Harris and Hon Mark Brantley both addressed the large audience of SKN Nationals.
Prime Minister Harris and Minister Brantley updated nationals on the stewardship of the Team Unity Administration since assuming office in 2015.
The ministers also commented on measures being undertaken to repair and strengthen the relationship between St. Kitts and Nevis and Canada – one of the Federation’s oldest allies.
Sunday’s meeting, was held at the Toronto Don Valley Hotel and Suites and forms part of the participatory democracy that characterizes the Dr. Harris-led Team Unity Administration.
Earlier this year, the Government went the length and breadth of St. Kitts in a series of town hall meetings focusing on Government’s efforts to promote accountability, good governance and prosperity. Those meetings were well received and attended by a wide cross section of society.
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