In just one year of office, the Dr. Terrance Drew Labour administration has come under heavy criticism for the significant decline in the progress made in fight against crime during the previous Dr. Hon. Timothy Harris led Team Unity Administration’s tenure. After just one year the statistics reveal an alarming increase in serious crimes, such as murders, woundings, and robberies, in comparison to the declining trend witnessed in recent years under the leadership of then Minister of National Security and Prime Minister Dr. Hon. Timothy Harris.
Under the Dr. Hon. Timothy Harris led Team Unity Government, homicide rates were on a steady decline from 2018 to 2022, but this trend has reversed dramatically in the first half of 2023, with a nearly 50% increase in murder cases compared to the previous year. Prime Minister Drew’s own constituency has not been immune to these unfortunate statistics. Moreover, incidents of robbery had seen a significant reduction in previous years under previous Team Unity administration , but the current administration seems to have struggled to maintain that progress.
The new Minister of National Security Dr. Terrance Drew’s dismantling of effective crime-fighting initiatives has led to a resurgence of criminal activity, causing concern among the public. Questions have been raised about the discontinuation of the successful Peace program without a concrete replacement in place. The newly mentioned Elevate program has also raised eyebrows due to its lack of transparency and details regarding its administration and beneficiaries.
As crime and violence regain their grip on society, citizens are left wondering about the priorities of the current Drew administration. Hon. Richards in his statement to the Press raised critical questions demanding accountability from the government and urging them to provide clarity on their crime-fighting strategies and their commitment to maintaining law and order.
Hon. Richard’s declared: “We therefore pose some serious questions and demand urgent answers, as Law and Order is a bedrock pillar of a resilient, stable and sustainable future:
(1) In opposition, you criticized the Peace programme. But one year later where is the promised formula, the reforms for a more streamlined and efficiently managed programme? If they exist why is it taking so long to implement them? Is Law and order even a priority for this Government?
(2) This Government was hasty and premature in halting the Peace programme; in effect throwing out the baby with the bath water. Why discontinue a programme that was obviously working if you have nothing concrete with which to replace it? Wouldn’t it have made more sense to gradually phase out the programme that you claimed was problematic, while gradually phasing in the new, more effective programme, if indeed such a programme even exists and is ready to be implemented?
(3) The public has heard in the last few weeks of a programme called Elevate but, as has become the norm, nobody seems to have any real details about HOW the programme is to be administered, WHO will be managing the programme and WHO will benefit from the intervention. Why the secrecy? Is Elevate just another Labour concoction; some half-baked scheme that we will all soon realise is not fit to purpose? Or worse yet, is it the usual routine – nuff talk, distraction and promises?”
The need for effective, transparent, and sustainable solutions to combat crime remains a pressing concern for the nation’s future stability and safety.

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