PM Drew Shocks Nation: $15 Million Poured Down the Drain as New BHS Project Abandoned at Ponds

As of August 2022, the New Basseterre High School project stood as a testament to meticulous planning and unwavering dedication. The Project Management team left no stone unturned, completing a comprehensive list of activities that set the stage for what could have been the most modern high school complex in the Caribbean. However, recent decisions by the new Drew Administration have raised eyebrows, as they opt to embark on a new project at the site of the old BHS, disregarding the substantial progress made. This has ignited a passionate debate concerning the allocation of taxpayers’ funds.

The New Basseterre High School project witnessed the successful completion of an impressive array of activities, showcasing the Project Management team’s expertise and commitment to excellence. The following list outlines the completed tasks:

1. All architectural drawings

2. All civil and structural drawings

3. All Mechanical & Electrical Drawings

4. Environmental and Social Impact Study

5. Traffic and Pedestrian Study

6. Upland Storm Water Study and Modeling

7. Ground Water Study and modeling

8. All Landscaping design and irrigation plans

9. Fittings and Furnishings Plan

10. Storm water drainage Plan

11. All Bills of Quantities

12. All Sub-contractor tender documents

13. All Interior Design Plans

14. Auditorium Public Use Plan

15. Construction Site Set Up Plan

16. Site Security Plan

17. Hurricane and Natural Disaster Plan

18. Alternative Energy Plan

19. All Sewage Treatment Plant Designs

20. Campus Security Plan

21. All Construction Methodologies and Project & Progress Management Plans

The completion of these activities marked a significant milestone, affirming that the project was well on its way towards realization. The foundational structure had been laid, providing a sturdy base for the forthcoming stages of construction.

Despite the remarkable progress achieved, the new Drew Administration has chosen to veer from the established path. PM Drew disclosed that an estimated $14 million had already been invested in the project to cover the outlined activities. This decision to redirect resources towards a new project at the site of the old BHS has sparked concerns about the judicious use of taxpayers’ money.

The New Basseterre High School project represented a beacon of hope and progress for the Caribbean, poised to be a groundbreaking educational1 facility. The completed activities reflected a triumph of meticulous planning and dedication by the Project Management team.

However, the decision to alter course has left many questioning the allocation of resources. As citizens, we must ensure that our financial contributions are utilized wisely for the betterment of our community. The controversy surrounding this project serves as a reminder of the importance of transparent governance and prudent

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