PLP Leader Dr. Hon. Timothy Harris Sympathizes with Families of Murder Victims in Wake of Increased Homicides in St. Kitts and Nevis

PLP Press Release

29th July, 2024

Moved by their immense pain and suffering, National Political Leader of the Peopes Labour Party (PLP), Dr. Hon. Timothy Harris, has reached out to the families and loved ones of recent murder victims, offering his prayers and sympathies in their most trying and difficult times.

“I extend sympathies to all the families, loved ones and indeed to all who now mourn their sad and gruesome demise. I pray that God will comfort the mothers, fathers, siblings and off-springs of the deceased,” Dr. Harris said in a national statement on Sunday, 28th July, in which he strongly condemned the government’s lethargic response to the worsening crime problem in the country.

Understanding the significant impact these cruel and life-changing experiences can have on families, third Prime Minister Dr. Harris added, “I have in my outreach to the families of the deceased felt their onerous burden, loss and bewilderment as they attempt to understand and deal with their loss. I hope in time they will find peace and have the resilience to cope and recover.”

Citizens across the length and breadth of the federation are expressing deep concern about the fear, tension, instability, and unease in the country as a direct result of the uncontrolled gun violence, and the obvious inability of the Terrance Drew administration to rectify the problem—evidenced by the prime minister’s empty televised addressed on July 24th.

Dr. Harris said, “We had hoped that this government would offer a credible message of hope and assurance to fill the alarming void of leadership that has characterized its response to its most sacred duty—to keep our people safe. Alas, citizens and residents were left further dejected by the Prime Minister’s address. It was an empty address. In particular, it was notable for the absence of credible new strategies or approaches to contain and reverse the rising tide of violence and murders.”

As the Drew administration, void of new strategies and ideas, has shown that it is unfit and unable to deliver a safer future for its people, Dr. Harris issued an appeal to the citizens and residents of St. Kitts and Nevis “to be vigilant regarding their safety and security.”


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