Permanent Representative of St. Kitts and Nevis Addresses UN Security Council as CARICOM Caucus Chair

July 4, 2024

H.E. Mutryce Williams.

New York, New York

– Permanent Representative of St. Kitts and Nevis to the United Nations, H.E. Dr. Mutryce Williams, addressed the United Nations Security Council, on the agenda item, ‘The question concerning Haiti’, in her capacity as Chair of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Caucus, for the months of July and August, on Wednesday July 3, 2024.

Providing reflections on the contents of the most recent Report of the Secretary General, on the United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH), Ambassador Williams, informed that CARICOM welcomed the progress that has been made in strengthening good governance in Haiti, through the official appointment of the Transitional Presidential Council, and the appointment of Transitional Prime Minister, H.E. Dr. Gary Conille and his Cabinet. She further extended best wishes for success to Prime Minister Conille, who was in attendance at the meeting.

The CARICOM Caucus Chair, however, highlighted CARICOM’s deep concerns. She noted, “The state of heightened insecurity in Haiti perpetuated by ongoing violent gang activity, remains a serious concern to the region…Tackling gang violence therefore remains one of the most pressing priorities to achieve stability in Haiti. Without this stability, it will be
virtually impossible to make progress on other key fronts.”

In this connection, the CARICOM Caucus Chair, lauded the Government of Kenya for deploying the first contingent of police
officers to Haiti on June 25, 2024, as part of the Multinational Security Support (MSS) mission, which was authorized by the United Nations Security Council Resolution 2699 (2023), to buttress the efforts of the Haitian National Police, to re-establish security, and create the security conditions for holding elections.

Ambassador Williams further stated, “CARICOM is deeply troubled by the humanitarian situation in Haiti and has taken note of the underfunding of the 2024 Humanitarian Response Plan.” She also stated that the state of food insecurity in Haiti remains a source of concern and that, “CARICOM has taken particular note of the impact that the scarcity of nutritious food is having on children.” She further posited CARICOM’s alarm, “by the incidence of sexual violence against women and girls and by the recruitment of children”, by gangs.

Echoing the sentiments of the 14 Member States of the CARICOM Caucus, Ambassador Williams, issued a clarion call to the international community, to “accelerate efforts and to take concrete actions, to provide Haiti with adequate support to build stronger democratic institutions and to restore peace, stability and prosperity.” She asserted, “Our collective action is paramount, if Haiti, is to overcome the multifaceted challenges it now faces.”
CARICOM Caucus Chair Williams, concluded her address to the Security Council by, reaffirming CARICOM’s steadfast solidarity and support to the sisterly nation of Haiti, in achieving a peaceful resolution of the ongoing crisis, and thanked all stakeholders for their support to Haiti

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